From disabled people’s right to work to the duty to work? Changes in Swiss disability policy and its implementation at the cantonal level

Benelli, Natalie and Zurbuchen, Antonin and Kuehni, Morgane and Streckeisen, Peter and Greppi, Spartaco (2023) From disabled people’s right to work to the duty to work? Changes in Swiss disability policy and its implementation at the cantonal level. Social Work and Society, 21 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1613-8953

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In the first section of this article, we provide an overview on the economic and social rights attached to DI pensions, the impact of the 2008 reform of the fiscal equalisation and task allocation between the Confederation and the cantons (NFE) and the position of organisations in defense of persons with disabilities and of institutions for persons with disabilities. In the second section, we present the framework of activation policies aimed at disabled people and persons at risk of disability in Switzerland. We place these policies in the international context, with a particular focus on the role of the OECD. In the third section, we present the ways in which these policies are implemented, using the example of the cantons of Basel-City, Ticino and Vaud. The originality of our approach lies in the fact that we concurrently analyse both activation policies derived from the Federal Law on Disability Insurance (Federal Law on DI) and collective measures stemming from LIPPI, in particular sheltered workshops.

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